Andrew Yasenchak

Andrew Yasenchak

Andrew Yasenchak is a fitness professional residing in Bethlehem, PA. He has served many roles in the fitness industry including certified personal trainer, fitness director, and sports performance coach. He is CSCS certified and has his M.S. in Exercise Science from California University of Pennsylvania. Andrew received his B.S. in Kinesiology from Penn State University in 2016. Andrew loves to share his knowledge and passion for fitness to teach and help individuals achieve their goals.

Posts by Andrew Yasenchak

Designing a Functional & Inviting Gym Layout
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Designing a Functional & Inviting Gym Layout

Jul 2, 2024 4 min read
How to Launch a Successful Gym Member Referral Program
Listing Image 1280x1000-May-29-2024-02-07-02-8733-PM

How to Launch a Successful Gym Member Referral Program

May 29, 2024 3 min read
How to Handle the Coach That Isn’t Cutting It
Listing Image 1280x1000-Apr-17-2024-06-37-09-8151-PM

How to Handle the Coach That Isn’t Cutting It

Apr 17, 2024 2 min read
Are Free Trials Worth It?
Listing Image 1280x1000-Apr-02-2024-07-20-50-5355-PM

Are Free Trials Worth It?

Apr 2, 2024 3 min read
What is Coaching?
Listing Image 1280x1000-Feb-07-2024-07-27-10-7793-PM

What is Coaching?

Feb 7, 2024 2 min read
5 Major Predictions Regarding the Future of the Fitness Industry
Listing Image 1280x1000-Jan-17-2024-07-59-58-8911-PM

5 Major Predictions Regarding the Future of the Fitness Industry

Jan 17, 2024 3 min read