20 Ways to Get More Leads for Your Gym

2 min read
May 8, 2024

Hey, it’s Ben from Business For Unicorns.

Most of the gym owners I talk with are struggling to get leads.

That is their self-reported number one issue.

And I get it, getting new qualified leads is essential to any healthy gym business.

So I made you a list of 20 ways you can get more leads TODAY!

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1. Make sure your website homepage makes it immediately clear:

  • Who you help
  • How you help them
  • Exactly what to do next (with a big obvious call to action button above the fold)

2. Have a compelling low-barrier offer for people to try your services with no risk.

3. Already have a compelling low-barrier offer that you’ve been using for the last 3-24 months?

Test a new offering (e.g. “Join for 21 days for $99” to “Book a Free Intro”)

4. Email your list of contacts 1-3 times per week with value-building content that Educates, Entertains, and Encourages, and always with a clear CTA for the next steps in the PS.

5. Review your social media profile. Make sure it’s clear:

  • Who you help
  • How you help them, and
  • Exactly what to do next with a CTA for next steps

6. Post on social media at least 3 times per week with value-building content that Educates, Entertains, and Encourages, and always with a clear CTA for next step.

7. When doing your initial sales appointment with a new lead, always ask them whom they’d like to bring in to join them in doing their low-barrier offer.

8. Make sure your Google My Business page is accurate in regards to location, hours, and services.

9. Get more reviews for your GMB page by emailing your clients and making personal asks in-person and via text message.

10. Run time-sensitive promotions. Promote the hell out of them in all your channels with a clear deadline.

11. Host community events. Organize events like charity runs, outdoor workouts, bar crawls, happy hours, picnics, or family fitness days to deepen your gym’s community AND meet your clients’ friends.

12. Run paid digital ads to promote content and/or your low barrier offer on Facebook, Instagram, and if available in your market, TikTok.

13. Run a paid Google Ads campaign so you rank for “personal training” or other relevant keywords when searched in your local market.

14. Do a “Give to Get” referral challenge. Create a point system to award clients for desired behaviors (e.g. posts on social media, Google Reviews, referrals to your low barrier offer, etc.) and offer cool prizes.

15. Work with another local small business with a similar avatar and create a promotion you can each share with each other’s audience.

16. Utilize local media. Pitch stories about your gym or fitness-related topics to local newspapers, radio stations, or television networks to increase exposure and establish your brand as a local expert.

17. Offer a free online challenge that anyone can opt into. Promote it via (geo-targeted) paid digital and organic social media to grow your list of contacts.

18. Collaborate with local micro-influencers to create content, host events, or offer exclusive promotions. Consider offering them a free or discounted membership if appropriate.

19. Run paid ads to a sweepstakes for a free membership. Make a follow-up offer to the leads who opted in but didn’t win.

20. Give your best clients one high-value offering (like a no-commitment free month) for them to give to a friend. Make sure there’s a deadline so there’s urgency to use it.

Now go take action!

If you’re looking for high-converting offers to grow your gym, you can click HERE to grab our free resource.

@benjamin__pickard (2 underscores)

@businessforunicorns (please collaborate with BFU’s handle)

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